Workplace Injury Treatment Waterloo

Recover from workplace / WSIB Injuries.

Northfield Health - Recover from Workplace Injuries

Our doctors are registered providers with WSIB (The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board). They can help you recover and keep working by delivering WSIB's Programs of Care for musculoskeletal injuries and/or concussion. They will work with you and WSIB to help you get back to work in a safe and sustainable way. Treatment for approved WSIB claims is covered 100% by WSIB insurance. Your care and recovery will be a priority at our clinic. We have been serving the Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas for over 20 years.

Sparks fly for construction worker needing chiropractor treatment for WSIB workplace injury registered provider of Program of Care in Waterloo, Ontario

More About Treatment for Workplace Injuries - Waterloo, ON

Chiropractic care and Physical Rehabilitation is an effective and integrated approach to help a person recover from a workplace injury. Workplace injuries can cause physical, emotional, and mental distress. Chiropractic care can help address these concerns. Our care focuses on restoring and improving physical function, reducing pain and promoting overall well-being.

During the recovery process, your clinician will first assess the extent of the injury and create a customized treatment plan to address the specific needs of the patient. This may include exercises to increase flexibility and strength, manual therapy to reduce pain and stiffness, and education on proper posture and body mechanics.

Chiropractic and Physiotherapy for Workplace Injuries Near Me

If you were injured at work, you may be looking to start treatment for a workplace injury as soon as possible and near you home or work. Our clinic is located in Waterloo, Ontario. We prioritize scheduling appointments for workplace injury treatment and rehabilitation at our clinic. We offer early morning, evening and weekend appointments to better serve your schedule.

Want to know more about treatment for workplace injuries?

In addition to traditional rehabilitation techniques, Chiropractors and physiotherapists may also use modalities such as cryotherapy, ultrasound, laser and electrical stimulation to help relieve pain and promote tissue healing. They may also use taping or bracing to support the affected area and prevent further injury.

The goals of the recovery plan are not only to help a person recover from a workplace injury, but also to prevent future injuries from occurring. Your Chiropractor or physiotherapist will provide education on proper body mechanics, posture, and lifestyle changes that can help reduce the risk of future injuries.

Come and see how we can help your recovery from a workplace injury. We want to help you be successful in your recovery so that you can get back to work and return to your normal activities.

A woman with neck pain in Kitchener Waterloo needing chiropractic treatment for a work injury repetitive strain and overuse injuries covered by WSIB

Were You Injured at Work? What Should You Do?

If you were injured at work, you should report the injury immediately to your employer and co-workers. You should then get assessed by a healthcare provider to document your injuries and help you get a claim established. We can help you by getting you in for an assessment either the same day or within 1-2 business days in order to complete your initial assessment and start your reovery.

1. Report the injury to your employer.

2. Make an appointment with our Doctor for documentation.

3. Start your recovery in WSIB's Programs of Care at our clinic.

Slip and fall treatment for workplace and WSIB Injuries near me in Waterloo, Ontario




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99 Northfield Dr. E., Suite 302, Waterloo, ON N2K 3P9